holidays, desserts, condiment, how to, sweets Sonia Wong holidays, desserts, condiment, how to, sweets Sonia Wong

Homemade Maraschino Cherries

Homemade MARASCHINO CHERRIES are nothing like the florescent-red orbs you think of garnishing Shirley Temples, or the one offensive fruit you have to pick out of canned fruit cocktail. These delicious, syrupy MARASCHINO CHERRIES are the perfect cocktail garnish (obviously) but think beyond cocktails because they are sublime on desserts like cheesecake, panna cotta, Eton mess or on a scoop of vanilla ice cream which I highly, highly recommend.

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How To Make Dumpling Wrappers from Scratch { with Step-By-Step Photo Tutorial and Video }

Homemade dumplings are a labor of love! And there is nothing else quite like them. People often express surprise to me that the dough for dumpling wrappers is simply made with all purpose flour and water. I think of it as being very similar to making pasta from scratch. You can master it with a little practice and the payoff is so satisfying ☺️

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cooking basics, how to Sonia Wong cooking basics, how to Sonia Wong

All Natural Tie Dye ( aka Watercolour / Galaxy ) Dumpling Wrappers


After posting these TIE DYE DUMPLING WRAPPERS on instagram, I decided to post the recipe and how-to here on the blog as well for anyone interested in having a bit of fun with their dumpling dough, too. Don’t be intimated. Adding natural colours to dumpling dough is easier than it looks. You start by creating a coloured liquid in a colour of your choice, which can take as little as a few minutes to do, then proceeding as you would normally for mixing and kneading dumpling dough. The coloured dough can be used by itself for a single-colour wrapper. But if you’re feeling extra, you can use them in combination with each other to create the tie-dye effect shown in this post. I’m going to explain how to do this. Spoiler alert: it’s more or less just twisting different coloured ropes of dough together a couple of times. Read on. You can do this!

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Two Tasty Sauces to put on EVERYTHING: (1) Honey Miso Sauce (2) Maple Tahini Sauce

Even though these sauces are simple in their ingredients as well as their preparation, they really elevate a grain or noodle bowl or salad or seared tofu or roasted veggies (or all of these things together in one meal haha!) to another level.  I find that when eating clean and simple foods, it's kinda all about the sauce to take it from ho-hum to super extra extra yummy.  I very much do believe the sauce is king.  That's why I really wanted to share these two go-to sauces with you.  Plus, I've gotten enough DMs on Instagram whenever I make it on stories that I think it's finally time I deliver!  

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Maple Almond-Cashew Nut Milk Iced Latte { dairy free, refined sugar free, paleo }

Currently my favorite caffeinated iced drink (I was obsessed with this horcatta iced latte for awhile too), it beats any iced latte drink you can order at SBux.  Although I was thrilled that Starbucks recently started offering almond milk option, it still comes out of a carton.  Nothing compares to homemade nut milk.  Nothing!  Before you think there is no way you have time to make this, think again.  Besides the passive time required to soak the nuts (see note below re soaking), it takes about 15 minutes to make a batch which can be savored over a week of lattes. That's a pretty solid ROI if you ask me! 

Of course, you can drink the nut milk straight up.  It is so, SO delicious!  But what isn't improved with a shot (or two) of nice strong espresso?  I think you know the answer my friend.  Cheers!

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Simple Beer Braised Pork

What if I told you that all you need is half an hour of active prep time (excluding oven time) for this beer-braised pork, which can then be turned into 3 or 4 different dinners? Do the work upfront say, on a Sunday and reap the rewards on hectic weeknights. I think you maybe definitely should read on. 

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Alkalizing Green Juice

"Alkalizing". What does that have to do with juice? Remember grade school science class when you learned about the pH scale - as in, vinegar is acidic and baking soda is alkaline? As it turns out, our bodies are constantly balancing a pH too and plenty of literature informs us that bodies having a high pH (alkaline) versus a low pH (acidic) function better and are healthier.

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