Maple Almond-Cashew Nut Milk Iced Latte { dairy free, refined sugar free, paleo }

Currently my favorite caffeinated iced drink (I was obsessed with this horcatta iced latte for awhile too), it beats any iced latte drink you can order at SBux.  Although I was thrilled that Starbucks recently started offering almond milk option, it still comes out of a carton.  Nothing compares to homemade nut milk.  Nothing!  Before you think there is no way you have time to make this, think again.  Besides the passive time required to soak the nuts (see note below re soaking), it takes about 15 minutes to make a batch which can be savored over a week of lattes. That's a pretty solid ROI if you ask me! 

Of course, you can drink the nut milk straight up.  It is so, SO delicious!  But what isn't improved with a shot (or two) of nice strong espresso?  I think you know the answer my friend.  Cheers!

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Italian Almond Cookies { gf, paleo, dairy free }

Being prescribed a grain-free diet by my daughter's naturopath just before the holidays is like getting sick right before vacation ... or scoring free drink tickets only to get bar rail liquor ... or finding a hole in your sock the moment you take off your shoes at someone's house ... or dripping yellow mustard on your brand new sneakers (that stuff's like dye and never completely comes off!) ... or getting an unexpected visit from Auntie Flo when you're totally unprepared OK THAT IS GOING TOO FAR.  

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drink, dairy free Sonia Wong drink, dairy free Sonia Wong

Horchata Iced Latte

Have you ever tried horchata?  It's a Mexican drink made of rice soaked in water and spiced with cinnamon and sweetened with sugar, in it's simplest form. In addition to rice, almonds or seeds are sometimes also used in the beverage. Well anytime there is delicious homemade almond milk involved, I'm all in!  Add to that a shot of strong espresso, and you've got yourself a horchata iced latte - otherwise known as the best caffeinated summer sipper ever.

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gluten free, desserts Sonia Wong gluten free, desserts Sonia Wong

Mini Cheesecakes with Quince Jam on Almond Flour Crust {gf}

Almond flour makes a most delicious and fragrant gluten-free tart crust. I have long been a devotee to the buttery cookie crust. Still am, really, but I heard somewhere from someone it is good to diversify and I'm pretty sure they were talking about cheesecake.  Even when gluten intolerance is not an issue, I love to make this crust because it is super yummy and also because I can rationalize that by eating 2 or 3 of these tarts I am loading up on heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and antioxidants and other nutrients from the almonds. ;)

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