Shanghai Vegetable Rice ( 上海菜飯 )
This SHANGHAI “VEGETABLE RICE” is a simple comfort food of my childhood. It is the kind of humble home cooking that I love nd crave. The name of this recipe is a direct translation of its name in Chinese, 上海菜飯. Actually, the character 菜 (pronounced cài in Mandarin or choy in Cantonese) in this context refers specifically to leafy vegetables versus the broader definition of vegetables. Growing up, we simply called this “choy faan” or leafy vegetable rice.
Lion's Head Meatballs
Lion’s Head Meatballs is a very traditional Chinese dish featuring large pork meatballs and leafy greens. This is a family recipe passed down from my Shanghainese grandmother, which always uses bok choy. The big fluffy meatball represents a lion's head and the surrounding leafy greens, its mane. Don't you love the fanciful name? Just as much to love is the dish itself, a mainstay comfort meal to be certain.